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Petermaya to Reduce Food Waste with Insects and Fish, as part of their Aquaponics Organic Food (seed to plate) with a by-product of High- Quality Fertilizer to sell to local Farmers & users.

Petermaya will increase Food yield with its Insects and Fish, in a permaculture Aquaponics Organic Food farm (Seed to Plate – Aquaponics organic Vegetables) R TM


One of the biggest problems our generation will face is how to produce food sustainably and securely more as in the future as by 2050 the earth’s population is expected to be 10 billion people strong.


Our solution is to localise the food supply chain and convert food waste back into food at Petermaya which is strongly in line with the permaculture way. (Working with Mother Nature is the simplistic way of what permaculture is).


We’re tackling a huge problem - the inefficiency of our broken food chain - but with support and our staff to be this, will be a more motivated drive than ever.


We show anyone how to use waste, and plastic mostly to grow food at home, to feed themselves and family. As Petermaya is a permaculture Aquaponics Farm producing salad based produce for local food consumption. We can’t use things such as chemicals, pesticides, or herbicides to aid the plant’s production.


Part of our future plans is to use honey bees to pollinate (Amazingly, a single bee colony can pollinate up to 20 million flowers a day) our vegetables, and at a later stage, we start to grow fruits to sell at our farm shop alongside our vegetables which people can buy, to take home.


We planning on doing a tour and lunch of our farm to show people around and answer questions where our wonderful wholesome fresh vegetables are on show with a delightful lunch of what we have produced and juices made from our farm.


The company is Petermaya a Permaculture Aquaponics Farm ( – short) that will produce black soldier fly larvae, which can be fed to the farm’s Fish only part of the process to produce high-quality Organic food for local people and collect non-harmful waste food from food outlets.


Later on, we will supply and collect waste food from other points, what it calls “Waste food drops bins” that turn expiring fruit and veggies into tasty morsels that can be used as animal feed for fish, and chickens.


Peter Chalkley, CEO and founder of Petermaya, a Permaculture Aquaponics Farm ( – short), said. “I always thought of myself as someone who was going to devote my life to something. I ’ have done much in my life and always had an interest in fish keeping and aquaponics as a hobby, but now is the time to do something special with fish rather than not do something that is meaningful and can bring change to our world. 


We would love to have an engineer or somebody from the water or gas industry even a person who is a biologist more than a consultant on board. They can help us with any future problems to solve: food waste and food production and also come up with smarter ways of dealing with it.


“We started working on these three years ago. Things have evolved a lot and with the purpose and the whole mission of the company.


I believe that our generation will have to solve one of the biggest challenges as we come along: ‘How can we produce food to feed the population sustainably and securely?’ One of the biggest problems to achieving that is globalization. And what I mean by that is that we have such a global food supply chain that structurally is broken, because it’s not sustainable.”


The company points out that you can pick pretty much any product you want in a supermarket, and there’s very little produced locally this needs to change or other countries must become the gardens of the world that can feed us in the future. This has a downside as it means more miles, but technology is also changing and the future may bring us airships once again, worked by solar power as transport.


“Even the things we think are local aren’t,” peter said. “The vast majority of the seed that gets fed to the chickens come from South America. So that causes two big problems: You need to ship things over very long distances, which is very damaging for the environment.”


Against the backdrop of a world where most now world leaders are suggesting that we’re facing food shortages due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, it becomes very clear that food supply isn’t as resilient as it perhaps should be. Petermaya believes it has at least a part of the solution.


“We make the food supply chain local, and we need a new ingredient to do that. Our belief is that using food waste is a new way to go. Food waste occurs everywhere; it is local and there are a lot of hidden nutrients in there. We will collect them free of charge, (vegetables, fruits, eggshells,) as these can be reused again so it becomes a food source for the insects and they become part of the food needed for fish, which in turn, help grow the vegetables and they purifies the water which is then sent back to the fish.   


Our technology outlook at Petermaya will use as our power source Photovoltaic Thermal, (Agrivoltaics that are cooled to farm under them) and Agric water – crystalline water treatment and repurposing its outcomes (Reconstructed water) & on top some (sudo Science). Vertical farming is a massively promising agricultural technique that we also are aiming to help produce more food to meet the growing population.  


Also, other technologies like for the building, think waste products, local building products and design on a Chinese pagoda architecture, for the growing buildings (greenhouses) that are sandwiched, in the middle, the greenhouses, and buildings will have Geothermal, underground plus above chimneys venting and inside the greenhouse for growing, they are DWC, (Deep Water Channels) gravel beds & Sandaponices beds, in time Aeroponics, also vertical growing, Bio-feed fish (algae) Arthropod (insects) food organically grown on the farm, and anthophilous (bees) EV plus a lot more.


We can also take any sort of food waste and convert that into Fertilizer, which can be sold to help others, but also in the long-term farming practices in the 3rd world will catch up or lead us to new farm growth, the future is changing fast now and it has a strong need to do so. 


 Petermaya in the long term future will have many waste food collection points (“Waste food drops bins”) or maybe were possible even have automated factories like in shipping containers near local food outlets. Their people can put food waste on one end and this feed then goes to insects. The insects grow and those insects produce Fertilizer.


Because these systems are maybe in shipping containers, The waste food cannot be controlled so all the work the insects do is just to turn it into Fertilizer but they can be deployed in all sorts of parts of the supply chain the insects themselves can’t be used as a food source the insects then self are not a food source to go in the food chain, so they will be used as part of the Fertilizer for farmers. 


In short or in a nutshell, the premise of the company is to show that you can grow more in less space and be organic produce with it is own power, produce food for its fish, sell the  suppress as Organic animal feed production onto the farms where the animals consume the food. 


This reduces feed consumption costs and in turn lowers emissions, EV Delivery, collections of waste food from supermarkets, hotels and restaurants and then converts it into high-quality, sustainable animal feed for its fish or for selling and fertiliser.


This will help boost productivity for the farmer and lower the cost to produce food. All the food waste from non-controlled food waste can be turned into and is used as Fertilizer so Zero waste.


Petermaya will use where possible use AI and automation to create the optimal environment for this cycle to flourish, such as Cameras, computer vision and sensors monitoring the conditions within the farm and later on the waste food collection points to make sure they are optimal for production and use.


Petermaya A Permaculture Aquaponics Farm ( – short) if we cannot sell all our products, we will give some of them to schools, and other points for free, but the majority is and can be reused and recycled as food or fertiliser.  


Petermaya will take local food waste from supermarkets and then convert it into high-quality, sustainable animal feed for its fish or used for selling and fertiliser.


With “Climate change, the pandemic, political tensions and our growing population have demonstrated time and again how fragile our current systems are. They’ve also shown how farming currently exacerbates the challenges we face and solutions so far are not leading to the wholesale change we need. 


Petermaya Aquaponics Permaculture Farm presents a new approach we believe can have a transformational effect on food and farming systems.” Petermaya, a Permaculture Aquaponics Farm ( – short),

The company currently is not up and running and seeking interest from future food-minded investors and co-partners with the right skills in the year to move forward with the building of this farm and future projects. 


We also invite such companies and single individuals to contact us like Balderton Capital, Fly Ventures and Metavallon VC.


“We hoping that if all things go according to our plans we should have the farm build and producing for the next 18 months,” Peter said, outlining the company’s growth ambitions".


Aquaponics which is part of the great farming agriculture business of food production is highly resilient and tend to have low failure rates; these can encompass many different types of food business including farms, and a host of related businesses, which enjoy an awesome 88% success rate once they have solved a few problems like we have at petermaya, (Food supply, feed, power, heat, Zero waste). We fill all of the 5 needs on the business success bucket list (not guaranteed) and many of the United Nations food list for a sustainable food future. 

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