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      OUR MISSION statement 

Our mission at is twofold.

First, we strive to provide from our farm for the local residents of Accra CITY where they can enjoy special fresh high-quality aquaponics fresh organic vegetables later we also will produce other specialty fruits.

Secondly, we make it a rule to only partake in responsible farming in order to protect the environment. Our amazing Organic Vegetable Farm is exactly what you and your family need to enjoy a great day outdoors.

To learn more about our responsible farming techniques and products, please get in touch soon after we open our farm.

          Till then keep following us at                                 



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We do NOT Employer  AGENTS at any time 

OUR SALES REP'S CARRY A  ID CARD that has a  START AND Finishes Date and has their face PHOTO on a plastic Badge and with a  yearly CHANGEABLE  COLOUR BACKGROUND to confirm our current Staff.

No badge Not our Staff 

+233 555-456-7890 

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