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Petermaya- Aquaponics - 22nd Century farm - From seed to plate - Organic Veguables Farm  

We Are Coming


To the world 

Why is Petermaya a 22nd Century Farm
of the Future  

The "farm-Petermaya" is an "Aquaponics 22nd century farm" to be created that will deliver "FRESH organic vegetables" in a BioSphere Habitat designed in harmony with the natural environment that surrounds us, integrating the best of mother nature to work together to create a fully recycling farm. 

We going to grow our own food for the fish on-site, then feed them what we grow, cutting down on miles to get to us and reduce our carbon foot as much as possible, The fish water then once has been filleted is used to feed the vegetable plants, they then clean the water and the water is returned to the fish once again.

This not only makes "Aquaponics-petermaya organic vegetables" the best you can enjoy and once you have tasted the flavor which is of a higher standard but only that the size of the crop is much bigger not only in size but also in production quality in yield.  This is why we at petermaya-aquaponics-farm say from "SEED TO PLATE" is fully and totally "organic vegetables at their best".


As we create our own food on the farm it is of top quality and also is organic in nature and this is what makes the fish happy and produces the best natural fertilized water for the plants to grow at their best, giving them the best flavor, and size that once tasted will make you wish to get all your food this way.


We get bees to Cross-pollination the flowers of the vegetables so aiding the best from the plants to be stronger healthier and produce the very best in crops for your taste buds to enjoy.       

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