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  • All About the company | Petermaya

    关于公司的一切 在每一个转折中寻找灵感 在我们所做的 我们相信天然和新鲜的食物是健康生活方式的基础。我们的使命是在与附近城市社区互动的同时种植优质、营养丰富的农产品。 提供适合家庭的活动和活动。我们还通过使用最环保的种植技术促进可持续和对社会负责的农业。 ​ 详细了解我们的工作流程 一旦我们开放,请与我们联系。 有机西红柿 专业的本地有机蔬菜农场 全面了解我们的公司 我们做什么,我们的使命和我们的历史。 Petermaya 是一个全年开放的有机蔬菜农场,为当地人提供各种新鲜农产品、农产品和适合家庭的活动,让您了解食物的样子和味道。 我们专注于蔬菜、新鲜香草,后来又专注于我们自己的蜂蜜,但为客户提供更多。 在 PeterMaya,我们非常幸运能够做自己喜欢的事情。我们很乐意让您参与我们的 Petermaya 体验。 欲了解更多信息,请联系! 认识团队 唐·弗朗西斯 线上销售经理 阿什莉·琼斯 技术主管 苔丝布朗 植物生长 经理 丽莎玫瑰 鱼品经理 凯文·奈 人力资源主管 亚历克斯·杨 客户支持主管 您是否具备从事这些工作的合适技能和资格 - 我们现在可能正在寻找您 - 也许您拥有学士学位甚至博士学位。在鱼菜共生或其他领域获得文凭,在您的帮助下经营我们的 22 世纪农场所需的许多领域。 查看我们的需求页面。 我们的客户 在哪里品尝

  • Services | Petermaya

    咨询 这是我们可以帮助您的服务的咨询页面 去下面看看我们能为你做些什么 黑色士兵飞行构建 我们可以帮助您进行自己的设置或由我们构建并提供熔岩蛴螬 ​ 与我们讨论您的需求 开始使用 鱼菜共生 您是想建立一个小型花园鱼菜共生系统还是想需要帮助来做一个小型或大型公共鱼菜共生农场 我们可以提供帮助 开始使用

  • Key Phrase Meanings | Petermaya

    宏基 关键短语含义 当我们说关键短语时,这些词的含义是什么 这些是我们在文章和帖子中使用的强有力的词,有些人可能不理解,所以这里是这些词的定义。 请按照链接 操作,这些词用 红色 标记, 以向您展示维基百科的含义 ​ 温室将基于 热带模型 类型 和 地热泵 和 烟囱 排出屋顶顶部的热空气。 温室将基于热带模型 地热泵和烟囱 排出屋顶顶部的热空气。 ​ 为了让温室在炎热的天气里保持凉爽,我们将使用 地热冷却 农业太阳能系统 这将成为我们廉价的电源, ​ “ 永续农业 利用植物和动物的内在品质,结合景观和结构的自然特征,利用最小的实用面积,为城市和乡村生产出一个生命支持系统。”建立自然环境并识别和减少对所有生物的影响。 ​ 有机食品 卖给消费者 ​ 鱼饲料 - 生物蛋白质 = 从其他生物的消耗中获取所需的有机化合物和能量的生物;异养生物或其他一些来源,例如:阳光、蔬菜。生物蛋白生产在农场现场进行。 ​ 五个大A 气培法 ,- 农业 - 水产养殖 - 鱼菜共生 - 农业太阳能系统 ​ ​ 我们一起工作吧 如果您对上述一个或多个关键点有一些关键知识,请与我们联系,以便我们开始合作。 请转至我们的联系我们页面 我们走吧 名 姓 电子邮件 电话号码+区号 信息 感谢提交! 发送 如果我们都有愿望、梦想,或者只是想增加更健康的食物,那么这无疑是表达这些愿望的时候了。 ​ 如果你愿意,你只需要为更好的食物发声,然后让你的魅力来做剩下的。 ​ 走上这样的成长之路并不总是那么容易,但最终,我们都会获得丰厚的回报!

  • Join Our Mailing List | Petermaya

    我们的使命宣言 ​ 我们在 的使命是双重的。 ​ 首先,我们努力从我们的农场为阿克拉市的当地居民提供特别新鲜的优质鱼菜共生新鲜有机蔬菜,之后我们还将生产其他特色水果。 ​ 其次,我们规定只参与负责任的农业以保护环境。我们令人惊叹的有机蔬菜农场正是您和您的家人在户外享受美好一天所需要的。 ​ 要了解有关我们负责任的农业技术和产品的更多信息,请在我们开放农场后尽快与我们联系。 ​ 到那时继续关注我们 你好 我们不是雇主 代理 随时 我们的销售代表随身携带 有身份证 的身份证 开始和结束日期并在塑料徽章上贴上他们的脸照片,并带有 每年变化 颜色背景以确认我们当前的员工。 ​ 没有徽章 不是我们的员工 +233 555-456-7890

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    鱼菜共生有机蔬菜 © ® 从种子到盘子 © ® 寻求 综合体验 我们知道如何 - 想要别人喜欢我们自己 工作 和我们 讲话 致我们 伙伴 和我们 点击 按钮 现在申请 要么 联系我们 敬请关注 实时链接仅在我们可以告诉您更多信息后才有效 Petermaya-aquaponics-农场 正如我们所说的“从种子到盘子”,我们将把最好的“Aquaponics 有机蔬菜”带到您的盘子里。 一种来自大自然母亲的有机新鲜味道,因为她呼吸着我们令人难忘的甜味蔬菜的空气,我们从食物中了解到一切都是多么纯净,在我们 22 世纪的农场,你不能做得更好, ​ 我们为养鱼的鱼种植我们自己的食物,这些鱼反过来又将水循环到像泉水一样纯净的水回到鱼身上。 ​ 您可以品尝到来自“Petermaya”的不同之处,因为它是您可以购买和养活家人的最健康的“Aquaponics 有机蔬菜”。

  • Contact Page | Petermaya

    联系我们页面 这是我们的联系页面。 ​ 对我们来说,这是一个很好的机会来听取您的意见,您是谁。 将您带到我们网站的原因可能是您的询问,或者您希望与我们讨论的内容。 ​ 电子邮件比电话回复更快 ​ 给我们发电子邮件 All Fields Need to be Compleated Please The Subject Heading Helps us to point to the right Department 联系我们 名 姓 电子邮件 主题 Code Phone 给我们留言... 与我们交谈 感谢提交! 接触 我们一直在寻找新的和令人兴奋的机会。让我们连接! ​ 请留言,因为我们在农场努力工作时可能无法回答您的问题。 使用上述表格更快地给我们发送电子邮件。 这是我们可以得到答复的 Office 电子邮件地址 - 上面的电子邮件表单具有更快的回复响应。 ​ 没有回报 - 电子邮件地址 从 - 信息@网站 这条电话线直接通往办公室。留言我们会在回复所有电子邮件后立即回复 我们得到第一。 请使用上面的表格给我们发电子邮件。 电话: 接听电话 - +233-455-78900

  • Landing Page 1 |

    Petermaya- Aquaponics - 22 世纪农场 - 从种子到盘子 - 有机蔬菜农场 我们来了 很快 致全世界 为什么 Petermaya 是 22 世纪 农场 未来的 “农场-Petermaya”是一个“Aquaponics 22 世纪农场”,将在与我们周围的自然环境和谐相处的 BioSphere Habitat 中提供“新鲜的有机蔬菜”,融合大自然的精华,共同努力创建一个完全回收的农场。 ​ 我们将在现场为鱼种植我们自己的食物,然后用我们种植的东西喂养它们,减少到达我们的里程并尽可能减少我们的碳足,然后将鱼水切碎后用于喂食蔬菜植物,然后它们将水清洗干净,水再次返回给鱼。 ​ 这不仅使“Aquaponics-petermaya 有机蔬菜”成为您可以享用的最佳产品,而且一旦您尝到了更高标准的风味,而且作物的大小不仅在大小上而且在生产质量上都大得多屈服。 这就是为什么我们在 petermaya-aquaponics-farm 说从“SEED TO PLATE”完全完全是“最好的有机蔬菜”。 当我们在农场创造我们自己的食物时,它质量上乘,而且在自然界中也是有机的,这就是让鱼开心的原因,并为植物提供最好的天然受精水,让它们以最佳状态生长,给它们最好的味道,曾经品尝过的大小和大小会让您希望以这种方式获得所有食物。 我们让蜜蜂对蔬菜的花朵进行异花授粉,从而帮助植物中最好的植物变得更强壮更健康,并生产出最好的作物,让您的味蕾享受。 ​

  • Future Joint Partnership | Peter MayaetermayaPeter

    Joint partnership Please read the following information We give you the BAD NEWS first doing a project like this means you need to have access to large amounts of money for a potential 50 - 50 % share. If raising Money Your share will work out less and You also need to have your Local area management structure and government social and National backing plus a fair amount of land to do this on to make it worth doing well for all involed. Here is a potential future project for persons/investment groups in a joint project future with us in other countries in the world. Are you ready to invest in a future-proof farming system that harnesses natural processes for an urban/rural circular economy? Join us as we introduce a game-changing approach that combines various hybrid farming techniques, including vertical, aeroponic, hydroponic, and aquaponic farming, with waste food recycling and digital traceability. GOOD NEWS - this can be highly profitable depending on where you are in the world and weather conditions. ​ Our unique proposition is designed to shake up the way we grow and distribute food. By integrating these innovative hybrid farming methods, we can overcome traditional limitations and achieve enhanced efficiency and productivity. We can grow up to 160 different types of food, including vegetables, fruits, herbs, and microgreens, in a fraction of the space and water required by conventional farming. Our crops are free of chemicals and pesticides and have a superior taste and nutritional value. But that’s not all this has to be more. They have to be committed to sustainability and circular economy principles. So use organic waste as a valuable resource, transforming it into nutrient-rich fish feed, compost, and biofertilizers. This way, we reduce waste and its environmental impact, while ensuring a closed-loop system that mimics nature’s balance. And here’s where digital traceability comes in. Use cutting-edge technology to track every key stage of our production process, from seed to plate. This gives consumers complete confidence in the origin, quality, and safety of our food. It also gives us invaluable insights into our operations, enabling us to optimize our performance and profitability. This project is not just about disrupting the agri-food value chains; it’s about being a pioneer in sustainable farming practices, waste management, and consumer trust. By investing in this type of project, you’ll be part of a great movement that is redefining how we produce, distribute, and perceive food. Producers can make data-driven decisions and optimize their operations based on the insights provided by digital traceability. The business opportunity aims to disrupt the agrifood value chains and pioneer sustainable farming practices, waste management, and consumer trust. By joining this transformative journey, participants contribute to a greener food diet, promote health, and supply natural-tasting produce to the public and food outlets. The system also offers an eco-friendly means of transporting farmers' produce to big cities through EV green transport logistics. Embracing hybrid farming, waste food recycling, and digital traceability creates a brighter, more sustainable future for the agri-food industry. Future Objectives: They are a need to establish a training college to educate others about our innovative farming practices and the underlying principles. This college will provide free education to empower individuals for the future of sustainable farming. Clear a designated section of land, specifically an old cocoa farm, within one month of securing funding. Contact the greenhouse manufacturer to begin the process of installing greenhouses on the cleared land within six months. Coordinate the transportation of electric trucks, pumps, and other necessary equipment to the farm site. Construct greenhouses and fish houses, along with a road infrastructure for efficient transportation, within eight months of receiving funding. While waiting for the fish houses to be completed, begin seed tray cultivation and initiate discussions with solar and wind energy providers. This timeline should ideally be achieved within one year from the project's initiation, or potentially shorter, depending on construction timelines. Methodology Here's an overview: This involves a combination of sustainable practices to create a self-sustaining and environmentally friendly operation. Aquaponics System: Implement an aquaponics system that combines hydroponics (plant cultivation without soil) and aquaculture (fish farming) in a symbiotic relationship. The system involves cultivating plants in water enriched with fish waste, which serves as a natural fertilizer. The plants filter the water by absorbing nutrients, which helps maintain a healthy environment for the fish. Renewable Energy Sources: Install renewable energy sources to power the farm and transportation system. Utilize solar panels, wind turbines, or other viable sources to generate electricity. Minimize reliance on fossil fuels, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainability. Closed-loop Nutrient Cycle: Develop a closed-loop nutrient cycle to maximize resource utilization and minimize waste. Fish waste serves as a nutrient source for plant growth in the aquaponics system. Once the plants absorb the nutrients, the filtered water is recirculated back to the fish tanks. This closed-loop system minimizes the need for external fertilizers and reduces water consumption. Integrated Food Production: Optimize the production of both fish and plant crops to create a balanced ecosystem. Cultivate a variety of fish species suitable for aquaponics, such as tilapia or trout. Grow a range of vegetables, herbs, or even fruits that thrive in the aquaponics system. This integrated approach increases the overall productivity and diversifies the farm's output. Efficient Water Management: Implement water-saving techniques and efficient water management practices. Employ water recirculation systems to minimize water use and optimize water quality. Install rainwater harvesting systems to collect and utilize natural rainfall for irrigation. Use water-efficient growing methods, such as drip irrigation or nutrient film technique, to minimize water usage. Sustainable Transportation: Integrate sustainable transportation practices into the system. Utilize electric vehicles (EVs), bicycles, or other low-carbon emission modes of transportation for farm-related activities. Are you looking for a lucrative and sustainable investment opportunity in the agri-food industry? If so, you should consider investing in our revolutionary farming system that combines hybrid farming techniques, waste food recycling, and digital traceability. Our farming system is designed to produce and distribute food in a circular and eco-friendly manner. We use various hybrid farming techniques, such as vertical, aeroponic, hydroponic, and aquaponic farming, to grow a variety of food crops in a fraction of the space and water required by conventional farming. Our crops are free of chemicals and pesticides and have a superior taste and nutritional value. We also use waste food recycling to transform organic waste into valuable resources, such as nutrient-rich fish feed, compost, and biofertilizers. This way, we reduce waste and its environmental impact, while ensuring a closed-loop system that mimics nature’s balance. Furthermore, we use digital traceability to track every key stage of our production process, from seed to plate. This gives consumers complete confidence in the origin, quality, and safety of our food. It also gives us invaluable insights into our operations, enabling us to optimize our performance and profitability. By investing in our farming system, you will be part of a great movement that is redefining how we produce, distribute, and perceive food. You will also enjoy the following benefits: High returns on investment: Our farming system has a high productivity and profitability potential, as it can produce more food with less resources and costs. We also have a strong market demand for our products, as consumers are increasingly seeking fresh and healthy food options. Low-risk exposure: Our farming system has a low-risk exposure, as it is resilient to external factors such as weather, pests, diseases, or market fluctuations. We also have contingency plans and mitigation strategies to deal with any potential challenges that may arise. Positive social and environmental impact: Our farming system has a positive social and environmental impact, as it contributes to food security, health promotion, waste reduction, and carbon footprint reduction. We also have a social responsibility program that supports local communities and educates others about our innovative farming practices. Invest in a revolutionary farming system that combines hybrid farming techniques, waste food recycling, and digital traceability. This system produces and distributes food in a circular and eco-friendly manner, using fewer resources and generating less waste. The system also ensures the quality and safety of the food products, as well as consumer confidence and satisfaction. By investing in this system, you will enjoy high returns, low risks, and positive social and environmental impact. Join us on this transformative journey to create a brighter, more sustainable future for the agri-food industry. Are you interested in investing in a cutting-edge farming system that uses hybrid farming techniques, waste food recycling, and digital traceability? This system is designed to produce and distribute food in a circular and eco-friendly way, using fewer resources and generating less waste. The system also ensures the quality and safety of the food products, as well as consumer confidence and satisfaction. Our farming system integrates various hybrid farming techniques, such as vertical, aeroponic, hydroponic, and aquaponic farming, to grow a variety of food crops in a fraction of the space and water required by conventional farming. Our crops are free of chemicals and pesticides and have a superior taste and nutritional value. We also use waste food recycling to transform organic waste into valuable resources, such as nutrient-rich fish feed, compost, and biofertilizers. This way, we reduce waste and its environmental impact, while ensuring a closed-loop system that mimics nature’s balance. Furthermore, we use digital traceability to track every key stage of our production process, from seed to plate. This gives consumers complete confidence in the origin, quality, and safety of our food. It also gives us invaluable insights into our operations, enabling us to optimize our performance and profitability. By investing in our farming system, you will be part of a great movement that is redefining how we produce, distribute, and perceive food. You will also enjoy the following benefits: High returns on investment: Our farming system has a high productivity and profitability potential, as it can produce more food with less resources and costs. We also have a strong market demand for our products, as consumers are increasingly seeking fresh and healthy food options. Low-risk exposure: Our farming system has a low-risk exposure, as it is resilient to external factors such as weather, pests, diseases, or market fluctuations. We also have contingency plans and mitigation strategies to deal with any potential challenges that may arise. Positive social and environmental impact: Our farming system has a positive social and environmental impact, as it contributes to food security, health promotion, waste reduction, and carbon footprint reduction. We also have a social responsibility program that supports local communities and educates others about our innovative farming practices. In addition to our farming system, we also implement sustainable transportation practices into our system. We use electric vehicles (EVs), bicycles, or other low-carbon emission modes of transportation for farm-related activities. We optimize delivery routes and logistics to reduce fuel consumption and emissions. We also promote awareness and educate the community about the benefits of aquaponics and sustainable farming practices. We conduct workshops, seminars, or educational programs to share knowledge and build partnerships. We encourage local participation and provide resources for individuals or communities interested in adopting similar practices. Our future objectives include: To start planning and designing the training college curriculum and facility for our sef and in time others in partnership. After that arrange for the transport of the EV trucks, pumps, and equipment to the farm. To contact solar and wind energy providers to explore and implement alternate energy sources. This project is something new in many ways, as no farm set-up has been built fully the same way as this proposal but many parts have been built constantly in practice and operations all over the world. This proposal is to bring a green environment to farming and transport systems reduce costs and increase production but maintain or enhance the nutrients in the food systems. By investing in this project, you will position Ghana as a leader in sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. You will also gain potential leadership projects and international collaborations as Ghana becomes a global example in innovative farming practices. The forecasted numbers suggest that each acre of land within the CEA greenhouse can yield the equivalent of nine acres of traditional soil-based farming when cultivating selected vegetables. The controlled environment enables year-round cultivation, eliminating the limitations imposed by seasons and maximizing productivity. These benefits and projected returns demonstrate the substantial potential of our proposal in terms of economic, environmental, and social impact for Ghana as a client. You will also benefit from the latest developments in sustainable technology that we use for our power studies. We use solar power as one of the most promising sources of renewable energy. We also explore other innovative sustainable technologies such as wind turbines, hydroelectric power, geothermal energy, and biomass energy. These technologies have the potential to generate clean energy and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. So Aquaponics is a system of combining aquaculture (raising fish) and hydroponics (growing plants in water) in a symbiotic environment. It is a sustainable and efficient way of producing food, as the fish waste provides nutrients for the plants, and the plants filter the water for the fish. Aquaponics can produce both fish and vegetables, which can be harvested and sold for profit. One of the challenges of aquaponics is to provide enough energy for the pumps, filters, heaters, and lights that are needed to maintain the system. This is where solar power comes in handy. Solar power is a renewable and clean source of energy that can be used to power aquaponics systems. By installing solar panels on the roof or nearby land, an aquaponics farm can generate its own electricity from sunlight, reducing its dependence on fossil fuels and lowering its carbon footprint. However, solar power alone may not be enough to meet the energy demands of an aquaponics farm. Depending on the location, weather, and size of the solar installation, there may be times when the solar output is insufficient or unavailable. This is why it is important to have backup or complementary sources of energy, such as wind power, batteries, or grid connection. These can help to ensure a stable and continuous supply of electricity for the aquaponics system, especially during periods of low sunlight or high demand. By combining solar power with other energy sources, an aquaponics farm can achieve a high level of self-sufficiency and sustainability. It can also save money on energy bills and increase its profitability. An advanced aquaponics farm powered by solar energy is a smart and innovative investment project that can benefit both the environment and the economy. Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in a future-proof farming system that harnesses natural processes for an urban/rural circular economy. Embrace the power of hybrid farming, waste food recycling, and digital traceability to create a brighter, more sustainable future for the agri-food industry. Contact us today to find out more about our project and how you can join us on this transformative journey. We have only outlined most of what is readily available on or from the internet not how we do things or some of the sciences we use to boost production. Get Started

  • What is aquaponices | Petermaya

    什么是鱼菜共生 将鱼菜共生视为我们的食物种植的新方式 但我们不只是像现在在 21 世纪那样做鱼菜共生,我们的目标是跳到 22世纪的耕作方式。 继续阅读 ​ 农业产业是一个新的百万以上的产业,现在才刚刚开始看到它,很快就会有很多人涌向它,因为它是农业的金矿。 那么什么是鱼菜共生 Aquaponics 正在让鱼发挥作用。碰巧这些鱼所做的工作(进食和产生废物)是种植植物的完美肥料。鱼在上班的时候可以长出很多植物! ​ Aquaponics 最酷的事情之一是它模仿了自然生态系统。 Aquaponics 代表了水、水生生物、细菌、营养动态和在世界各地水道中共同生长的植物之间的关系。 从大自然中汲取灵感,鱼菜共生利用生物整合这些单独组件的力量: 将鱼的废物副产品交换为细菌的食物,转化为植物的完美肥料,以清洁安全的形式将水返回给鱼。 就像大自然在每个水生生态系统中所做的那样。 鱼菜共生依赖于自然生物过程,并通过更好的生长得到回报,因此随着时间的推移更少的维护和更低的疾病发生率。 ​ 你无法战胜大自然,所以你不妨与她联手,获得她的智慧。 传统水培法 ​ 水培法解决了许多基于土壤的问题,但是,它也提供了自己的问题 ​ 传统的水培系统依赖于仔细应用昂贵的人造营养物质,这些营养物质由化学物质、盐和微量元素的混合物混合而成。在鱼菜共生系统中,您只需喂鱼廉价的鱼饲料、食物残渣和您自己种植的食物。 ​​ 需要仔细监测这种水培混合物的强度,以及 pH 值和总溶解固体 (TDS)。 在鱼菜共生系统中,我们只是在第一个月仔细监控我们自己的系统,但是一旦我们的系统建立起来,我们只需要每周检查一次 pH 值和氨水平,或者如果我们的植物或鱼似乎受到压力。 ​​ 水培系统中的水需要定期排放,因为盐和化学物质在水中积聚,对植物有毒。这既不方便又存在问题,因为需要仔细考虑这种废水的处理位置。 在 鱼菜共生中, 我们不需要更换水;我们只在它蒸发时才加满。 ​​ 水培系统容易出现一种称为“腐霉”或根腐病的疾病。 ​ 这种疾病在鱼菜系统中几乎不存在 。 循环水产养殖(养鱼场) ​ 大多数大陆渔业是循环水产养殖系统或RAS,它试图过滤和再利用鱼缸/池塘水。 虽然 RAS 确实试图解决节水问题,但它也带来了自己的问题。 鱼缸水被鱼类污水污染,释放出高浓度的氨。每天必须以水箱/池塘总容量的 10-20% 的速度排放水。 这使用了大量的水。同样,在鱼菜共生系统中,我们永远不需要排放我们的水。来自 RSA(养鱼场)的水 经常被抽到开阔的溪流或回到污染和破坏水道的湖泊中。 由于这种不健康的环境,鱼很容易生病,并且经常接受药物治疗,包括抗生素。 在鱼菜共生系统中,任何鱼类疾病都是罕见的 。 了解更多 在“什么是应用程序”上 233-555 -7890 周一 - 周五 - 上午 9 点 - 下午 5 点 鱼菜共生 鱼菜共生 Aquaponics 使用所有种植技术中最好的,利用一种元素的浪费来使另一种元素受益,从而模仿自然生态系统。 这是一个改变游戏规则的人 ​ 高腰鱼菜共生园艺可消除杂草、背部拉伤和小动物进入您的花园。 ​ 鱼菜共生依赖于营养丰富的水不断循环利用。在鱼菜系统中,没有来自水培或水产养殖的有毒径流。 ​ Aquaponics 使用的水是基于土壤的园艺的 1/10,甚至比水培或循环水产养殖更少的水。 ​ 不能使用有害的石化产品、杀虫剂或除草剂。这是一个自然生态系统。 园艺家务被大大减少或消除。鱼菜系统种植者农民能够专注于喂鱼、照料和收获植物的愉快任务。 ​ 最棒的是——您可以从我们的系统中收获植物和鱼类。 ​ 鱼菜共生系统不使用泥土或有毒化学溶液来种植植物,而是使用营养丰富的鱼类排泄物,其中包含最佳植物生长所需的所有营养物质。 ​ 鱼菜系统不是排放水,而是利用植物、天然存在的细菌以及它们生长的介质来清洁和净化水,然后将水返回给鱼。这种水可以无限期地重复使用,只有当它通过植物的蒸腾和蒸发损失时才需要补充。 ​ 当今广泛使用的鱼菜系统有几种主要方法: 深水养殖 (DWC) 或基于筏的生长使用泡沫筏漂浮在充满鱼类污水的通道中,这些污水已被过滤以去除固体废物。 植物被放置在筏子的洞里,根部在水中自由垂下。这种方法最适合种植沙拉蔬菜和其他快速生长、营养相对较低的植物。它也最常用于较大的商业规模系统。 ​ ​ 基于培养基的鱼菜共生培养基生长涉及在惰性种植介质(例如膨胀粘土颗粒或页岩)中种植植物。 该介质在同一系统中提供生物过滤(将氨转化为硝酸盐)和机械过滤(去除固体废物)。基于媒体的系统非常适合我们扩展我们的系统,这样您就可以种植各种作物。特别是,除了绿叶蔬菜、草本植物和其他品种外,大型果树的表现也非常好。 ​ 营养膜技术 (NFT) NFT 系统通过使富含营养的水流过狭窄的水槽(例如 PVC 管)来工作。 植物被放置在这个管子上钻的洞里,根在这股水流中自由摆动。 这种种植方法非常适合需要很少支撑的植物,例如草莓和其他草药。 NFT 也是利用未使用空间的好方法,因为它可以悬挂在其他种植区域上方的天花板上。 ​ 垂直鱼菜共生 鱼菜共生最大的方面之一是它能够在非常小的区域内种植大量食物。 没有任何方法比垂直鱼菜系统做得更好。 植物在塔式系统中相互堆叠,例如 水垂直 。水从塔顶流入,并流经植物根部吸收水分和养分的芯吸材料。 然后水落入水槽或通过过滤器直接进入鱼缸。 这种农业形式充分利用了每平方英尺的空间,非常适合种植绿叶蔬菜、草莓和其他不需要支撑的作物。 那么我们将如何 改变 成为未来的农场 让我们从建造农场开始,我们将尽可能使用社会可持续产品,其中尽可能多地使用天然产品,并且尽可能少地进口任何产品。温室将基于带有地热冷却烟囱 的热带模型 排出屋顶顶部的热空气。 至于农场对水箱之类的需求,我们购买当地产品,当涉及到在炎热天气保持温室凉爽等方面,我们将使用地热冷却 不止一种类型可以帮助我们获得作物最大产量的最佳温度和温室顶部的白色阴影, 农业太阳能系统 这将是我们廉价的能源,用于运行泵,为植物和鱼类提供空气。 鱼需要喂食,有营养。因此,我们将在植物旁边为他们种植我们自己的有机食品,以饲养健康的种群和快速生长的大型鱼类,以供市场销售。 ​ 现在考虑这种情况:在 鱼菜共生系统 ,60 加仑水箱,7.5 平方英尺的生长空间。在那个空间里,你可以种植 6-7 株不确定的番茄植物和大约 10 条罗非鱼。系统的唯一输入是泵的约 15 瓦功率(假设这相当于水培)、水箱顶部的水(少于水培,因为您从不排放和更换营养液)和鱼食. ​ 罗非鱼在一年内从鱼种阶段长到盘子大小(1.5 磅)。 罗非鱼将饲料转化为体重,每 1 磅饲料可生产 1.2 – 1.5 磅鱼片。 这意味着您每年需要 (10 * 1.5 * 1.5) = 22.5 磅鱼饲料来饲养 10 条罗非鱼。 鱼饲料成本约为 1 美元/磅,具体取决于饲料质量、运输成本、批量定价等。 ​ 我们将拥有的食物含有对鱼的正确营养,对我们来说不会花费太多, 以比目前大多数鱼菜共生农场便宜得多的方式经营我们的鱼饲料农场。 ​ 植物最需要的不仅仅是营养,或空气,水,它们还需要授粉 但有些意味着这是缨翅目(昆虫)加入我们的鱼菜共生农场的地方。 ​ 我们的目标是在农业中使用 A - Aeroponics , - 农业 , -水产养殖 , - 鱼菜共生 。 ​ 如果您想了解更多为什么不与我们一起投资 或为什么不成为 与我们合作 并与我们合作,或者将来参加旅游和午餐 在我们的农场附近,您甚至可以参加课程 在我们经营的 Aquaponics 上,在未来建立您自己的农场。 ​ 这并不一定意味着我们规模的农场,但您可以在自己的后院或家中从小处着手。 ​ ​ ​ 我们告诉你怎么做! 转到下面的信息并点击链接 本网站是一个展示网站,本网站的许多部分目前都处于非活动状态。 (只有在我们可以告诉您更多信息后才激活实时链接)

  • Recuitment Portal page

    加入 团队 我们正在寻找的人 招聘门户 我们正在寻找的人 成为未来的一部分 如果您有 Aquatic 或 Aquaponics 方面的背景,请注册以加入未来 帮助改变世界 ​ 您拥有学士学位或更好的博士学位。在这个领域里 Petermaya is seeking independent individuals to help create our perfect team to lunch our Aquaponics business. SEEKING the RIGHT people Note that this is not a current paid post but one for your wishes to join a new company to form the team to move the project to completion to gain this position. YOU MAY HAVE A NEED TO RELOCATE TO FILL THE POST For our businesses to grow, we need energetic characters (as a great team) to support our growth plans. Over three decades of experience I have understood that for that growth to be successful, the team- and all individuals within it- need to take responsibility for the part they will have to play. Without taking that responsibility, individuals and teams are dependent on others, and I have found that this tends to drain energy from the organization and holds us back. A team made up of independent people generally provides the foundations for a perfect team. Everyone contributes to the growth and direction of the group, and this is interdependence. Put simply, a person that is dependent be it an individual or organization ‘takes. When you have a team of independent individuals or even an organization it is then a ‘giver. This helps build the business, working as a team within the organization with growth with longevity. So are you a high performer that used self-autonomy to carry out your daily tasks and manage all schedules of that day, or make sure others follow theirs? Looking for people that wish to focus their energy on using the best things & practices for the company to innovate themselves and others around them, solving any issues themselves for the good of the team and company. Working in a dynamic environment, collaborating with fellow equally high peers, to perform to the high needs to be the best to gain the most, with direct access to key decision-makers, and where you get positive feedback on achievements with actionable outcomes to improve oneself within the company. So do you have skills in any of these areas: Farm management, (executive – supervisory experience) Insects Keeping, (Entomologists) Fish Keeping (Aquaculture), horticulture (OLERICULTURE) professional repair service person with ( water – electric – solar skills) Note that this is NOT a current paid post but one of your wishes to join a new company to form the team to move the project to completion to gain this position YOU may need to relocate to fill this post in due course. If interested then apply via LinkedIn – ​ or via - our contact us page telling us about you then we give you an email to send your cv and cover letter. - Contact us 联系我们 名 姓 电子邮件 写短信 不要忘记上传您的简历 提交 申请,如果你有 学士学位/博士学位在这个领域里 水生或鱼菜共生 感谢提交!

  • Commucial Aquaponices | Peter MayaetermayaPeter

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  • Garden Aquaponices Course | Peter MayaetermayaPeter

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